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Old Jul 20, 2005, 01:11 PM // 13:11   #21
Ascalonian Squire
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Lots of rubberbanding for me in arenas lately on european server.
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Old Jul 20, 2005, 01:23 PM // 13:23   #22
Pre-Searing Cadet
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there is lag everywhere, especially doing missions. People keeps getting lagged out which is pretty annoying while trying to complete a mission.
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Old Jul 20, 2005, 01:24 PM // 13:24   #23
Frost Gate Guardian
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I'm on European servers and experience the same lag. The nice thing though, you can keep on playing. Just klick your skills in the wanted combination and you'll keep on using them. It's funny to see my toon going crazy on the opposition on my girlfriend's screen (she's sitting right next to me) when it is stuck and doesn't move on my screen
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Old Jul 20, 2005, 01:29 PM // 13:29   #24
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Same goes for me. I've left them a note @ their support and they replied asking for more details about ISP and stuff, but I let them know it has nothing to do with my ISP/my own setup or anything and that a lot of other players have been experiencing it. I think they're aware of the situation, just a shame they don't tell us what's going on...
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Old Jul 20, 2005, 02:49 PM // 14:49   #25
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So true, if they told us what the problems were we could undertsand and accept whatever is the issue, but it sees to me most people are getting the impression theyre jut being fobbed off with lame 'check your ISP' solutions.

This is the NUMBER ONE way to lose the trust and respect of your fanbase, besides totally nerfing something so that it breaks the game.

Look at WoW, a little honesty and respect to your players with regards to technical issues goes a long long way.
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Old Jul 20, 2005, 03:57 PM // 15:57   #26
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I've experienced lag on EU servers as well. Was doing missions with my monk, and it get's kinda hard to keep up with the healing when you frequently get 5-10 second lag spikes. Others in the team were complaining about it as well, so it wasn't just me.
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Old Jul 20, 2005, 04:07 PM // 16:07   #27
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I'm playing at Europe servers and have experienced very bad lag. Fortunately today there is no lag or at least not noticeable one. Couple mission was ruined because middle of fight game just stops and suddenly bursts all events in couple seconds. No one could heal, fight or anything. Dead group on the ground.
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Old Jul 20, 2005, 04:13 PM // 16:13   #28
Krytan Explorer
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I was playing on EU server for 2 months now with my guild but started to lag too much, switched back to American server, some of them followed me No wonder with that ugly lag
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Old Jul 20, 2005, 04:13 PM // 16:13   #29
Lion's Arch Merchant
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This happened once or twice during a few Underworld runs for me recently as the whole group couldn't do anything for up to a full 5 seconds. Then others completely lagged out and when we thought they were back to normal, they got disconnected. It is weird. Only in certain towns and in certain instances do the groups I am in experience major lag; LA but not Droknar's, Underworld but not Fissure (lag happens in LA even when no one is trade spamming.).
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Old Jul 20, 2005, 04:49 PM // 16:49   #30
Lion's Arch Merchant
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Lag for me on EU servers the past week too. I'm "stranded" at Thunderhead Keep because lag and being a monk do not work.

Last edited by silvertemplar; Jul 20, 2005 at 04:52 PM // 16:52..
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Old Jul 20, 2005, 05:17 PM // 17:17   #31
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At least there's no monthly fee.
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Old Jul 20, 2005, 05:32 PM // 17:32   #32
Desert Nomad
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seems to be less now or is that me ?
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Old Jul 20, 2005, 05:59 PM // 17:59   #33
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Most often for me, the lag comes in somewhat short bursts of 20 seconds or less, and most of the team feels it.
Others, the lag lasts insanely long, and I find out I've lost my internet connection, or someone's downloading files and eating up the bandwith.

Earlier yesterday in the arena, I had a lot of lag at the start of the match, and when I finally seemed to recover, 2 people had d/c'd, and then so did I.

When it's an entire group of people suffering severe lag spikes, I think it's got to be the server running the instance they're in.
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